마인크래프트 세이브 - 중세 성의 몰락 Ancient Castle Ruins 본문


마인크래프트 세이브 - 중세 성의 몰락 Ancient Castle Ruins

알 수 없는 사용자 2014. 1. 18. 07:07

Ancient Castle Ruins

고대 성의 몰락

마인크래프트 하면 늘 떠오르는 것이, 고대 고대 고대입니다. ㅋㅋ 항상 사람들은 고대의 유적지들을 마인크래프트로 재현하겠다 난리죠

오늘도 마찬가지입니다. 다만 제목이 좀 특이하네요, 주제가 고대의 성이 몰락하는 모습인데, 실제로 플레이해보면 어떨지, 제가 한번 직접 해보겠습니다. (ㅋㅋ)

아래 사진은 직접 찍은 스샷입니다. 와이드함을 좋아하기 때문에 와이드하게 찍어봤습니다!

제작자의 말:


I offer this map to the public free of charge in adherence to the Attribution-NonCommercial-Share-Alike CC BY-NC-S with the following Amendments:

• You are allowed to modify, remix and use the contents of this file as a base for projects of personal/private use. Go nuts, have fun! Be inspired!

• You are not allowed to re/distribute the contents of this file, whether modified or not, for public use without expressed written permission. Just ask me - I can be reasonable. Want to use it on your server? Ask me first. Want to turn it into an adventure map? Ask me first. If I say yes, remember to credit and post a link back to this site.

• You are allowed to use this project in a posted video so long as you credit myself (twigbang) AND provide a link to this site.

•You are allowed to create and post screenshots, renders and other forms of image media or public and private use so long as you credit myself (twigbang) AND provide a link to this site.

Additional Details

Engage me in dialog if you please. I am not afraid to discuss things with you. 

If I was worried about what people would say and think, I would NOT have posted on the internet in front of total strangers. 

저작권 twigbang

